Danh mục tài liệu tham khảo về công nghệ liên quan lĩnh vực đồ gốm
Tài liệu tiếng Anh
1. Pyrotechnological connections? Re-investigating the link between pottery
firing technology and the origins of metallurgy in the Vinca Culture, Serbia.
2. Pottery technology as a revealer of cultural and symbolic shifts: Funerary
and ritual practices in the Sion ‘Petit-Chasseur’ megalithic necropolis
(3100–1600 BC, Western Switzerland).
3. Firing glazed wares in Byzantine kilns: Continuities and changes in the
technology of glazed pottery production (11th-15th c.)
4. Building a step by step result in archaeometry. Raw materials,
provenance and production technology of Apulian Red Figure pottery
5. Heated mud bricks in submerged and coastal Southern Levant Pre-Pottery
Neolithic C and Late Pottery Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic settlements:
Diachronic changes in technology and their social implications.
6. The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th
(?)-16th century): The case of ‘Miletus Ware’
7. Two trajectories of the development of pottery forming methods in central
Europe in the Iron Age: The contribution of analysis of the orientation of
components of a ceramic body
8. The adoption of pottery on Kodiak Island: Insights from organic
residue analysis
9. Complexities in the origins of pottery in the Marianas: A comparison of
pottery assemblages from the Northern Philippines and the Mariana Islands
10.What motivated early pottery adoption in the Japanese Archipelago: A
critical review
11.The emergence of ceramics in Southwest Asia: Early pottery in
farming communities
12.When edges become centered: The ceramic social geography of early
pottery communities of the American Southeast
13.The study of crystal-phase composition and pore structure for
Dicaoqing-Zisha compared with porcelain and pottery
14.Wowtao: A personalized pottery-making system
15.The organization of production for Inka Polychrome pottery from
Pachacamac, Peru
16.Studies of ancient pottery fragments from Dobrudja region of Romania
using neutron diffraction, tomography and Raman spectroscopy
17.The chronological and social implications of the pottery from Jebel Moya
(south-central Sudan)
18.“Nderit Ware” and the origins of pastoralist pottery in eastern Africa
19.The Chaîne Op´eratoire of pottery traditions at Pheneos, Peloponnese,
mainland Greece
20.The environmental and cultural contexts of early pottery in south China
from the perspective of behavioral diversity in the Terminal Pleistocene
21.Definition of analytical cleaning procedures for archaeological pottery
from underwater environments: The case study of samples from Baia
(Naples, South Italy)
22.Final Pleistocene and early Holocene population dynamics and the
emergence of pottery on the Korean Peninsula
23.A pottery workshop in Pompeii unveils new insights on the Roman ceramics
crafting tradition and raw materials trade
24.Evidence from plant starch residues of the function of early pottery and the
plant diet of Neolithic inhabitants of Inner Mongolia, North China
25.Approaching surface treatment in prehistoric pottery: Exploring variability
in tool traces on pottery surfaces through experimentation
26.Pyrotechnological connections? Re-investigating the link between pottery
firing technology and the origins of metallurgy in the Vinca Culture, Serbia
27.Pottery technology as a revealer of cultural and symbolic shifts: Funerary
and ritual practices in the Sion ‘Petit-Chasseur’ megalithic necropolis
(3100–1600 BC, Western Switzerland)
28.Firing glazed wares in Byzantine kilns: Continuities and changes in the
technology of glazed pottery production (11th-15th c.)
29.Building a step by step result in archaeometry. Raw materials,
provenance and production technology of Apulian Red Figure pottery
30.Heated mud bricks in submerged and coastal Southern Levant Pre-Pottery
Neolithic C and Late Pottery Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic settlements:
Diachronic changes in technology and their social implications
31.The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th
(?)-16th century): The case of ‘Miletus Ware’
32.The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th
(?)-16th century): The case of ‘Miletus Ware’
33.The adoption of pottery on Kodiak Island: Insights from organic
residue analysis
34.Complexities in the origins of pottery in the Marianas: A comparison of
pottery assemblages from the Northern Philippines and the Mariana Islands
35.What motivated early pottery adoption in the Japanese Archipelago: A
critical review
36.The emergence of ceramics in Southwest Asia: Early pottery in
farming communities
37.When edges become centered: The ceramic social geography of early
pottery communities of the American Southeast
38.The study of crystal-phase composition and pore structure for
Dicaoqing-Zisha compared with porcelain and pottery
39.Wowtao: A personalized pottery-making system
40.The organization of production for Inka Polychrome pottery from
Pachacamac, Peru